Design Geo Salas
Material PLA
3D Design | MRI + CT SCAN
It all started by collecting all MRI and Ct scans via OsiriX Lite an image processing application for Mac dedicated to DICOM images (". dcm" / ". DCM" extension). They were then categorized by sections (brain, skeleton and skin), I chose to show it in raw style, you can even see the medical plugs on my chest. Most importantly, I wanted to focus on the brain by exposing it.

3D Print
I chose Neon Pink for the 3D print filament color, the reason is to focus on the "hero" of the sculpture.

I wanted to showcase this sculpture in this new world, especially in AR. Giving the ability to anyone to view this sculpture any where, any time.
***How to use QR Code***
Simply point your camera at the code– you can make use of the image right in front of you.
When the QR code is picked up by the camera, participants will be prompted to open the link.